Oil and sweat don’t mix!

By Emily Mumford on June 19, 2014 in Emily's Personal Blog

Sitting with yesterday’s “No news today” blog felt quite uncomfortable – never had I been SO unsatisfied with a post…

This morning I looked on my phone and found the Byron Katie newsletter in my inbox…

“There you go – Katie doesn’t do a daily blog! I can’t remember the last time I received a newsletter – she waits until she has some worth writing… What were you thinking of ? – daily blog!!!”  My mind is great – tells it just like it is… actually that is rubbish – my mind doesn’t tell it like it is AT ALL – it makes up all sorts of crap… but there… But today it had a definite point 🙂

The other thing that is sitting heavy are two recent bits of expenditure – not my recent shopping spree for clothes – that currently is being very much enjoyed – no regrets there!

It is very aggravating to be blogging about money AGAIN – but hey – that’s what is here…

So my two pieces of “uncomfortable” expenditure:

Two bottles of magnesium spray … when do I ever buy one of anything…?

And paying for a “subscription box” on my website…

The magnesium spray first: two people within a week told me about magnesium spray and how wonderful it is – I appear to have this INSANE belief that if more than one person tells me about something,  that this is somehow a message from the universe, a message from on high – that I am in receipt of some divine wisdom that I would be arrogant or blind to ignore – this is BOLLOCKS!  There is a promotion at Holland and Barratt – I meet a lot of people who are working to improve their health – we have a Holland and Barratt in Norwich – Norwich is 10 miles away from Wymondham – THAT IS IT – no thunder bolt of divine wisdom – just marketing plus a predictable human response…

But, of course, I bought two (for a while I used to refer to myself, inside my head as “excitable Emily” – to try and catch my moments of madness and rein them in – perhaps need to go back to that…) – so yes, two spray bottles of something that makes no perceptible difference to me or Tom – and – because I got excited and bought two – over £20 spent and nothing gained…

So onto the second: the subscription box on my blog page.

I spent a ridiculous amount of money on this – not ridiculous as in I was overcharged – ridiculous as in – when I was told how much it was going to cost and thought about going ahead with it – where was the voice in my head saying, “Really Emily? REALLY?”

But instead my moment of sanity came when talking to my eldest daughter and she said, “I follow lots of people’s blogs – but I don’t SUBSCRIBE to any of them”…

And it made perfect sense – dropping in to look at a blog that has been worth reading before is an act of freedom and choice – subscribing to a blog just leads to yet another unwanted e-mail in one’s inbox – leading to feeling of bombardment and overwhelm…

In my defence – because spending money on a subscription box could sound like I think my every word is gold dust! – it was actually the opposite of this – it was rather that my perception of my blog is that most of it is inconsequential twaddle,  but that every now and again I write something I really like, and my fear is that if people just see one post then they will land on a particularly indifferent one and never bother to return … but hey …. I promised myself that I would write them as long as I am getting something out of the process – it’s not for you buggers anyway!!!  Who am I kidding! – I am never happier than when one of you messages me and I know that my post hasn’t just fallen into a void…

Anyway my life is not all about reckless ridiculous egotistical expenditure – it is also about making the best of what is to hand 🙂   So, having embraced the idea of wearing make up and seeing if I like it, I decided yesterday that perhaps I would see if I still have any moisturiser in the back of my drawer and get into a whole skin care routine before I cover myself with slap!!  So still highly egotistical – but no money spent 🙂

So I found a whole treasure trove of products!! I have no idea quite how far they go back – I think it is about three years … So … they were all fine – by my standards! – except for the day cream which can’t have had the lid on quite tight enough – it’s a bit like trying to spread on the clotted bits in clotted cream – you know those bits a bit like fatty ear wax … My only other difficulty is that I have two pot of stuff for my eyes which have two compartments – and I know I am supposed to apply one product on my brow, one on my crow’s feet and one on the bags under my eyes… the problem is I just can’t remember which is which…

And the other challenge I discovered is that once I have covered my face in these various products – not only do I feel a bit like a cross channel swimmer covered in grease to protect myself from the North Sea – but there is an additional problem…

The mornings – particularly when I’m working and rushing about – are a bumper time for hot flushes … and water and oil (read moisturiser) do NOT mix – so I greeted Cristal yesterday with my face swimming in sweat with a layer of scented fat suspended a millimetre above my skin – floating on water – I don’t know what I looked like but it felt quite gross!

But I am persevering – I have discovered that if I get up early there is time for the moisturiser to go through these various challenges and actually start to sink into my skin and thus I can apply make up over the top – it’s lucky it is summer – getting up at 6.30am to achieve this isn’t too bad – we’ll see if I keep going once the days get shorter … but for the moment… I’m having the best time 🙂

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Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford