I didn’t think air could be that heavy…

By Emily Mumford on June 18, 2014 in The Garden Room

I was pondering quality versus quantity a few posts ago … and today I am wondering the wisdom of deciding to write a daily blog…

One of Tom’s favourite true stories is how – in the good old days – the BBC would sometimes decide that nothing newsworthy had happened and so the BBC news reader would say, “There is no news today” … and that would be the end of the news bulletin.

So I will just say  … I may have been having the best time whilst away staying with my daughter at my parents’ house – and I may have been “on holiday” – but it is such a relief to be home.

Talking of relief – I have had some enthusiastic and excited feedback from some of my patients about probiotics / prebiotics and bloating. The two products that have transformed the lives of two of my patients are: Optibac “One week flat” – a 7 day probitioc course to reduce bloating; and Bimuno.  I am always keen to pass on good news and information that might be useful 🙂

So, apart from that, there is “no news today” – having the best time seems to be more about watching the telly I want (instead of watching my father’s choice of DVD); and having long baths (instead of scrambling through washing so as not to hold anyone up) … and golly!!  I am having the best time 🙂

Oh yes … and the title refers to something said at the end of a colonic this evening – as my patient experienced their body without the monumental amount of gas that had been released during the treatment … colonics can be amazing 🙂

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Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford