The vibrating woman

“Does EVERYTHING have to end up on your blog?! Is EVERYTHING for sharing?…I suppose it is just the modern way…”  Poor Tom, he is not sure about all this…

Neither is my daughter, “you’re turning into a teenage girl”…

But for now … I will continue to ignore their concerns and keep posting …

I said, “I will explain why I was vibrating. I won’t just leave it there – hanging – full of innuendo.”


Dear Tom… he’s had to cope with so much from me over the years, “Do you have to tell them that? Do they really need to know that?”  But that was my way of educating our children about the ways of the world.

He may have had a point, he often does, but somehow I always have to do it my way. One of our – or is it my – favourite family quotes is my eldest daughter saying, “Mum, I thought you might like to know,  your youngest daughter, aged nine and a half,  now knows all about anal sex – thanks to those leaflets you left in the bathroom…I hope you’re satisfied.”

And yet actually, I have had the feedback that, on balance, they are jolly pleased that I rammed information of this ilk down their throats – not literally – and that it has stood them in good stead over the years.

It has also meant that when I needed to be educated in the ways of the world, which was hurtling along so fast I couldn’t keep up with it, “What is feltching?”  I could ask the questions I needed – as such things could be straight forwardly talked about. And then be very proud as my girls, usually my youngest daughter, filled in the blanks for me – the gaping holes in MY knowledge.  Often leaving me grateful that I belong to the generation I do … more innocent times and all that…

The Barbie pink coat I used to wear to pick them up from school, however, that has not been so easily forgiven – it is not possible to revisit it in the same way,   with the advantage of hindsight,  and look fondly back … which takes me back to the vibrating woman … she was definitely in the pink…

But I told Tom I would not stoop to innuendo and explain … I was brushing my teeth … I am not a fan of the electric toothbrush …but I really get that when I run my tongue over my teeth afterwards – they feel clean – smooth shiny clean and so – I was going to say – grit my teeth – but that’s not quite right – and so I push myself to do it every morning … but usually, it would appear, when I have my dressing gown on – because this morning – with the bristles whirring around in my mouth – I suddenly realised that as I stood there – in the pink – mercifully not Barbie pink – I became aware of the vibrations emanating from my oral cavity rippling out – from my head – down my spine – and taking my flesh with it – have you ever tried brushing your teeth when you start to giggle? It’s the best!   Which brings me to my punchline: boy did I have “the best time” this morning!!! 🙂

About the Author

Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford