The wood from the trees…

I may not make much sense as I am recovering from a stomach bug – but, in between the throwing up and the diarrhoea I have discovered something rather remarkable.

Well two things actually, no three:

when I am ill I don’t think nearly as much;

I live very much in the present moment;

and I am very clear about what I want and don’t want.


No there are four things, and the fourth thing is that I am very good at knowing what is important,  and prioritising it.


And this leads me to think about many remarkable people I have met during my 14 years as a therapist – and in particular – ways that people have turned round major health challenges and ended up living lives that were better for them, that they enjoyed more, than the lives they were leading when they got ill.


I can really see how illness can clarify things – and I’m not saying this is always how it works – but if you need to get well before you can do anything,  and you believe that if you make good choices that you will get there,   and that your body has the power to heal itself  if you can just find ways to work with it and not against it – then – I believe – you are halfway there.

There will be days when you take one step forward and two steps back – and days when you try something and it’s not right for you…days when the healing process seems to be taking you backwards not forwards…

But I think this is the key thing – if you can believe – even KNOW – that you will get better. And have a still mind – a mind that is quiet enough to tune into your intuition about what is right for you moment to moment – rather than a mind that catastrophizes and tells scary stories – then I really think we are programmed to get well.

Having observed my mind slow right down, my body choose to stay still, to sleep, not to expend any necessary energy, expel toxins, choose when to eat, when not to waste energy on digestion – it is remarkable how – when we bring our attention and focus inside – we do all the right things and get better.

So maybe our challenge is not to live life too fast – in this fast moving environment – to slow down so we can hear our bodies;  to slow our minds down so we can hear our inner wisdom and intuition.


That’s it – run out of energy. Bye for now 🙂

About the Author

Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford