It’s like wearing an animal…

By Emily Mumford on June 8, 2014 in Emily's Personal Blog

I’m getting fatter. In our home we have a saying, Tom’s favourite, “Quantity IS quality”.

I have a feeling I posted a while ago something about …what I care about is quality not quantity…  and while I stand by my assertion – and what I meant by it at the time – it is not the whole picture…

When I was a teenager I was not a natural student, but my mother was keen that I should do well – so we came to an arrangement. When I was revising for my A levels I could go out as long as I had done 8 hours of revision; and so I developed a timetable whereby I would get up at 7am and sit glued to my notes, or headphones on listening to recordings of Shakespeare or other literary texts,  for 8 hours – and thus – with a very short lunch break I could be picked up by my boyfriend before 3.30pm and then the rest of the day and evening was ours.  I remember describing this – with pride – to someone who was less impressed by my strategy than I was,

“So there was no sense of whether you actually learnt anything, or cover a topic or achieved any level of understanding – it was just about you sitting in one place for so many hours?”


“So it was about notching up so many hours not doing anything else and having study materials around you”


“So it was about quantity not quality”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that…”


When I met Tom I was fatter, and then I lost weight. So if I ever say to him, “I think I’m getting fatter”, he always says, “Oh good!” and then does this strange gurning face with his tongue sticking out which is supposed to represent unbridled lust!  And sometimes for added emphasis he adds, “For, as we all know, quantity IS quality!”

“Quantity IS quality” is also very useful when it comes to cooking – I am a perfectly adequate cook – but what I excel at is cooking vast quantities of food – more than we could possibly eat – now there is just me and Tom at home this is even worse – and I don’t mean that in terms of I used to cook for six and there were only five of us – I mean I now seem to cook for ten and there are only two of us…which could explain why I am getting fatter…

In conversation with a colonic friend, she suggested that I could go on a juice fast and then write about it in my blog – she also talked about  achieving great things by doing a course of colonics with her patients – sometimes three a week apart – but also doing three on three consecutive days. She said people reported back that they felt amazing.

So, I mused over our conversation – three day juice fast or three colonics – no contest!!

So I have been gardening and eating Magnums on my new swing seat – and lucky Tom gets to give me a colonic for the next three evenings (well two actually we started yesterday) – and you get to hear about how fabulous I do or don’t feel as a result…

So this “best time” seems very much to do with quantity … here’s hoping it takes me to quality 🙂

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Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford