If only…

By Emily Mumford on May 20, 2015 in Emily's Personal Blog

Those of you who may have read one or other of my blogs recently,  will have picked up that I am getting pretty into the work of Brené Brown.

When driving back from my mother’s yesterday I heard her say something that made me feel, “If only this had been said to me – certainly daily – maybe hourly – then my life would have felt so different. If only EVERYBODY had had / was having this said to them daily – then what a different place the world would be”.

I firmly believe that the words, written by Eric Berne, are absolutely true:

“Every single human being,
when the entire situation
is taken into account,
has always,
at every moment of the past,
done the very best
that he or she could do,
and so deserves neither blame
nor reproach
from anyone, including self.
This, in particular, is true of you.”


This,  coupled with what I heard Brené Brown say – if we all really took it to heart,  and BELIEVED it –  would – in my opinion – stop wars, help us to share the world’s resources more fairly – end poverty, famine, end loneliness, stop violence, abuse… overnight…

and the words were these:

“Sweetheart, you’re human: we all make mistakes; I make mistakes; you make mistakes. I don’t love you despite these mistakes – I love you BECAUSE of them. Because you are real, and YOU… and we’ll figure this out.”


IMAGINE – if those words had been said to you,  to everyone,  from day one.

Imagine, if you are a parent – if you are a friend – and something disastrous, exasperating, devastating happens – and you have these words – already on your lips – there to say to whomever needs them… IMAGINE…   : )    ….or is it just me…

About the Author

Emily MumfordView all posts by Emily Mumford